More and more states are legalizing the production and sale of edible cannabis products, both for medicinal and recreational use, and along with that comes regulations on how they must be packaged and labeled. To assist with labeling and compliance in Oregon, we offer an Oregon Cannabis Labeling Module with our Genesis R&D software. This module is designed to help you comply with the Oregon Liquor Control Commission’s (OLCC) Marijuana Packaging and Labeling Rules for medical and recreational marijuana edibles sold there.
Genesis R&D Product Formulation & Labeling Software with the Oregon Cannabis Labeling Module includes:
Nutrition Facts Label Templates for Cannabis Edibles
The OLCC rules dictate that all edible cannabis products sold in Oregon must display a Nutrition Facts panel on the product packaging. Genesis R&D offers the three OLCC-compliant Nutrition Facts label templates. Each label template includes the required nutrition information, serving size, number of servings per container, list of ingredients, and allergen information. Labels can be printed and/or exported for use on your product packaging.
Format | Label Template |
Standard/Vertical The vertical display should be used on most labels. |
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Tabular The Tabular display can be used on containers that do not have enough space to fit a Standard label. |
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Linear The Linear display can be used on containers that do not have enough space to fit a Standard label. |
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Note: In some cases, containers may qualify as small or tiny. Small containers are defined as packages too small to fit all of the required label information. Tiny containers are defined as packages that have a complete surface area available for applying a label that is less than 2 inches squared. For packages of that size, the Nutrition Facts label must go on the outer package or on a hangtag attached to the small/tiny container.
Statement/Symbol Options
Genesis R&D comes preloaded with the symbols for Recreational Marijuana Edibles, Medical Grade Cannabinoid Edibles, and Hemp Edibles, at least one of which must appear on your packaging. When creating a recipe in Genesis R&D, you are prompted to select your product type; the corresponding symbol will automatically appear on your Nutrition Facts label page and will look like one of the following:
Universal Symbol | Hemp Symbol | Medical Grade Symbol |
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The universal symbol indicates that a product sold in an Oregon dispensary or OLCC retail shop contains cannabis. The Universal Symbol is required on all cannabis products being sold in Oregon dispensaries or OLCC retail shops, as outlined in OAR 333-007 in the labeling rules. | If the product contains only industrial hemp, you must use the hemp symbol. However, if your product contains any marijuana as defined by OLCC rule, you must use the universal symbol. | If a licensee is making a medical-grade product (one that is intended for OMMP patients only) the product will need to include the Medical Grade Symbol. The medical-grade symbol is used in addition to the universal symbol. |
The symbol must be at least .48 inches wide by .35 inches high. | The symbol must be at least .48 inches wide by .35 inches high. | The symbol must be at least 0.35 inches in diameter. |
Oregon Cannabis Edibles Report
Any label that is not generic (free of pictures, logos, colors, social media icons, websites, or graphics) must be submitted for pre-approval through OLCC’s online licensing system before the product can be offered for sale. All labels need to contain the information mandated by the rule.
Although specifics vary by cannabis product type, most Oregon edible cannabis products will require, at a minimum:
- Processor’s business/trade name and address
- Processor’s OLCC license number
- UID number
- Date of production
- Serving size as well as servings per container
- Amount of THC and CBD per serving and per container, stated in milligrams
- Ingredient Statement (list of ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight or volume)
- Allergen statement
- Nutrition Facts panel with required nutrients
- Perishable statement (if applicable)
- Activation time
- Name of lab performing testing and analysis, and all testing dates
- Required warnings:
- “For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of reach of children. Do not drive a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana.”
- “BE CAUTIOUS. Cannabinoid edibles can take up to 2 hours or more to take effect.”
- Required statement: “This product is not approved by the FDA to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”
- Universal symbol (or hemp symbol if applicable)
- Medical grade symbol and warning, if applicable
- Product identity
- Net weight (g and oz) or volume (fl oz and mL)
The Oregon (OR) Cannabis Report provides automatically populated nutrition data, warning statements, and symbols; and includes editable fields where businesses can enter the other information required for edible product packaging. You can refer to this report during the application process.
If you are interested in the Genesis R&D Cannabis Edibles Nutrition Facts Labeling module, contact us today!
For beginning-to-end instructions on creating a cannabis label, see this tutorial:

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