It comes as no surprise that food is a hot button issue. Consumers want more information - on where their food comes from, how it's being produced and what the food brands they consume represent. According to a new survey by The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Americans are most concerned with affordability, nutrition and food safety, while they still find information related to GMOs, antibiotics, sustainability and transparency important. We've taken the key findings from that report and outlined them here.
The report found that Americans want food producers to prioritize safety most of all, followed by nutrition and affordability. But the problem lies in how they perceive food companies handling the issue of safety. While 74 percent of Americans think food producers SHOULD take food safety into account, only 20 percent of them actually think they DO. That's a startling 50 percent gap that food producers have the opportunity to address. And over half of Americans think that food companies should have transparency within their production operations, but less than 10 percent actually think they do.
The survey also asked several questions about trust and the sources of information about the food Americans consume.
Americans trust health professionals, friends and family, farmers, scientists, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration most of all when it comes to information about their food. They trust documentaries to a lesser degree and the food industry (grocery stores, food companies, food packaging) and media (both social and traditional) least of all.
A majority of Americans name affordability and nutrition as very important issues concerning the food they buy, followed by a third of Americans who say buying non-GMO and antibiotic-free food is very important to them.
Source: The Chicago Council on Global Affairs
At Trustwell, we help companies safeguard the brand promises they are making to their consumers, from non-GMO to sustainability practices. By tracking and rating their suppliers, our customers are able to capture the requirements they place on the quality and sourcing of their food - and then deliver that promise to their consumers with confidence.
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