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Food Packaging: Finding the Balance Between Function, Trend and Food Safety

Written by Katy Jones | Jun 21, 2018 7:00:00 AM

Finding the right food packaging for your product is a balance between function and consumer trends. Today’s consumers want packaging to do less damage to the environment. Food packaging must also represent your brand, provide nutritional information, keep food fresh and safe, all while enticing consumers to purchase your product. What is the balance between food safety and marketable design when it comes to food packaging?

We see some trends that could check all the boxes:

  • Freshly-packed convenience
  • Eco-friendly materials
  • Visual appeal and storytelling

When it comes to your brand packaging, freshness and safety are imperative. Resealable packaging made of quality materials has been shown to extend the shelf life of food and beverages. Bags, cartons, and clamshells indicate to consumers that the product has longevity. The produce department has captured the convenience of resealable packaging, encouraging quick grab-and-go purchases.

A recent article “Consumer Packaging Increases Shelf Life, Store Sales” in Produce Business suggests that packaging is critical to consumers looking to switch from salty, fried snacks to healthier choices such as nuts and fruit. When packaging healthy foods in a convenient format that protects the product, consumers will increase purchases. Packaging is the first introduction consumers have to your product and creates a valuable space to engage them.

How green is your packaging?

Advances in food packaging are critical to increase shelf life and preserve freshness. But the global issue of plastic waste has directed the spotlight onto the food industry. Innovative packaging solutions are bringing some food brands into the social media spotlight for targeting sustainable packaging and ocean-friendly advertising.

SaltWater Brewery, a Florida brewing company, has taken the lead with eco-friendly packaging that can safely be consumed by sea turtles. Sea turtles have become the mascot for the harm that single-use plastic packaging does to the environment. A mixture of spent barley and wheat replace the six-pack plastic rings. The barley and wheat are recovered food waste from the brewing process. The packaging is called Eco 6-Pack Ring or E6PR.

The interest in eco-friendly packaging goes beyond Consumer Packaged Goods  companies and is a concern for retailers offering grab-and-go options, as well as restaurant take-out, as the popularity for quick-cooked meals increases. Recyclable and recycled packaging align with the healthy image of food.  Glass bottles, cartons, and reusable takeaway containers have a healthier environmentally-friendly image.

Brands can explore options such as 100% recycled packaging and advertise BPA free, photodegradable options, or biodegradable packaging to align brand messaging with consumer interest in sustainability.

What story does your packaging tell?

A new report by PMMI Business Intelligence surveyed the beverage industry for trends in packaging. The report found that millennials prefer unique packaging along with convenience and portability. Convenience has been a factor in changes for packaging design, allowing innovative brands to stand out on the retail shelves. Many brands have refreshed packaging to attract natural and organic consumers with enhanced labels, shelf-ready packaging, and environmentally-friendly messaging.

More brands are using packing to tell their story and are creating relationships between growers and consumers. People want to know where their food comes from and who grew it. Seeing a photo of the person who caught the fish you are about to purchase creates visual appeal and a unique experience.

Packaging allows convenience, extended freshness of product and an introduction to a brand through visual appeal.  The food industry is moving fast, and packaging is innovating to meet consumer trends.

How will you utilize your packaging?

At FoodLogiQ we work alongside our customers to create a safer and more transparent food supply chain. Interested in learning more about how we can help you? Request a demo to get started.