One of FoodLogiQ’s main focuses has, and continues to be, supporting the network of suppliers that make food safety programs possible. Enabling and improving supplier compliance is not only critical to the success of your food safety strategies, but is also key to ensuring consumer safety, fortifying your brand promise and providing transparency into your practices. It’s also essential to making your supply chain partnerships as well-oiled, collaborative, productive and long-standing as possible. And it’s FoodLogiQ’s goal to empower you and your suppliers to work together cohesively, cooperatively and efficiently for ongoing success.
With this in mind, FoodLogiQ placed a large emphasis on supporting suppliers and simplifying their experience in the Connect platform in our 2020 Spring release. More specifically, FoodLogiQ designed and executed functionality that provides direct, pinpointed notifications to suppliers to streamline day-to-day tasks and required actions, minimize the time it takes to do so and maximize collaboration with partnering brands.
Introducing Attribute Alerts
A prime example of functionality that accomplishes this goal lies in Attribute Alerts. These new alerts automatically generate To-Dos – required or optional tasks that auto-populate on the Supplier Dashboard for swift, simple completion – for missing information. This missing data might involve attributes for products, locations or documents, and often reflects minute, specific details that were overlooked, of which suppliers weren’t aware or that are net new.
Attribute Alerts are especially useful in ensuring suppliers take action on required information that is requested in the following scenarios:
- When a partnering brand adds a new required attribute to a document, location or product type.
- When a partnering brand changes a previously optional field to required.
- When a partnering brand adds data on behalf of a supplier through CSV for products and locations with incomplete, required attribute information.
For added ease of use, suppliers can filter the Supplier To-Do List by To-Do category, allowing them to quickly find action items pertaining to assessment requirements, document requirements, expiring documents, or items with missing attributes. And upon providing the necessary information, suppliers can simply mark the To-Do as complete, shrinking the list of active tasks that appear on their dashboard and continuing to maintain compliance across organizations to which they supply.
Ensuring Ongoing Supplier Compliance
The task of maintaining compliance among various partners across the supply chain is an active, detail-driven and often difficult one. Thus, having the technological resources to ensure that data is not only provided, but is also accurate and extensive, is incredibly valuable. With the introduction of Attribute Alerts in our Spring 2020 release, FoodLogiQ aims to ease and streamline the supplier experience by continually informing key stakeholders of missing information and providing them with a simple method for immediately supplying it. In doing so, ongoing compliance is attainable and maintainable, as is the success of surrounding supply chain relationships.
To learn more information about Attribute Alerts, consult FoodLogiQ’s Knowledge Base, or get in touch. And keep watch on the FoodLogiQ blog for more information on the ins and outs of our Spring 2020 release, as well as how our customers are putting new functionality to use.
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