When it comes to staying on top of regulatory changes, the laws can be complicated, but compliance is crucial. Regulations not only ensure the safety and quality of the products we consume but also shape the way businesses operate within their doors and with partners.
At reCONNECT 2023, we're excited to bring you a lineup of sessions that provide invaluable insights into the latest regulatory changes impacting the food industry. From the FDA’s latest efforts on the traceability recordkeeping rule, FSMA 204, to restaurant menu labeling, these sessions will equip you with the knowledge you need to thrive in the regulatory landscape. While reCONNECT is over, you can still gain access to these recorded sessions by registering for reCONNECT and checking your email for an access link and password.
FSMA 204: Planning for a Safer, Traceable Future, and a Look Ahead
The food industry is still processing the changes needed to meet the latest traceability guidelines from the Food Safety Modernization Act, Section 204 (FSMA 204). Since the FDA released the final rule a year ago, some businesses have already made moves to prepare for the 2026 compliance date. But others are still wondering where to start, and our first reCONNECT on-demand session is the place.
Trustwell’s VP of Supply Chain Strategy and Insights, Julie McGill, was joined by Angela Fields, of the FDA’s CORE Response Team 3 for “Fireside Chat: FSMA 204 – Planning for a Safer, Traceable Future.” These two traceability experts provided an overview of the rule, then explored how the industry is preparing and what the FDA is doing to support businesses before compliance. Learn best practices and next steps that can help businesses prepare for compliance.
Building on the previous session, day two’s session "FSMA 204's Final Rule: A Look Ahead with Industry Experts" brings together industry experts from Chick-fil-A and Taco John’s to discuss the implications of FSMA 204's final rule. The hosts shared perspectives on what they’ve discovered since implementing traceability changes. Watch the on demand session to gain an insider's perspectives on how these changes will impact the domestic and foreign food supply chain, as well as the shape the future of food safety regulations.
The Return of Restaurant Menu Labeling
Since the recent end of the COVD-19 public health emergency, certain regulatory enforcement that was relaxed will now be coming back into effect, including restaurant menu labeling compliance. So, for those in the restaurant industry, these sessions are for you.
The first day of reCONNECT offered the on-demand session “Navigating the Nutritional Landscape: The Vital Role of Accurate Nutrition Analysis in Food Menus” with Chick-fil-A’s Senior Nutrition Consultant, Jodie Worrell. Nutrition analysis plays a critical role in today's food industry, where consumers are increasingly health conscious. This session explored the vital importance of accurate nutrition analysis in food menus and the science behind how it’s done. Learn about the latest regulations and guidelines governing nutrition labeling and how you can provide your customers with transparent and precise nutritional information.
Day two offered another essential on-demand watch: “Restaurant Labeling is Back: How You Can Prepare Now to Meet the Deadline” with National Restaurant Association Vice President, Patrick Guzzle. With regulations surrounding menu labeling making a comeback, it's essential to be well-prepared, and this session covered how you can ensure your restaurant is ready to meet the labeling requirements. Discover best practices, compliance strategies, and how to provide clear and accurate information to your customers while staying in line with the latest regulations.
Top 5 Labeling Regulations to Watch
Also on day two, Trustwell’s team of regulatory gurus and labeling experts, Liz Salvo and Megan Murphy, explored the major regulations impacting food labeling during their on-demand session: “Navigating the Regulatory Maze: Insights into Food Labeling Regulations.” Our experts broke down the implications for the food industry on the latest regulations, and offered insight to help companies understand how these changes might impact your operations.
Tune in Now: Rewatch reCONNECT Today!
At Trustwell, we understand that keeping up with regulatory changes can be challenging. That's why we've curated a series of sessions at reCONNECT designed to empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to thrive in a dynamic regulatory landscape. Whether you're involved in food safety, restaurant management, labeling, or nutrition analysis, these sessions offer practical insights that can make a difference in your business.
If you missed reCONNECT 2023, you can still rewatch these events. Register today and check your email for an access link and passowrd. Take the next step toward a safer, more compliant, and prosperous future in the food industry!
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